Island of the Blue Dolphins (Blu-ray)
Based on Scott O’Dell’s beloved children’s classic, Island of the Blue Dolphins is the heartwarming adventure of a 19th-century Native American girl who becomes stranded on a remote island off the California coast. Karana (Golden Globe winner Celia Kaye) is forced to flee the island of her birth with the rest of her tribe when hunters threaten the area. Realizing her young brother has been left behind, she jumps ship and swims back to the island, where the two attempt to survive in solitude against staggering odds. This incredible true story features breathtaking cinematography and a fine cast that includes Hollywood great George Kennedy (Cool Hand Luke, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, Death Ship, The Naked Gun). Produced by Robert B. Radnitz (Sounder, Where the Lilies Bloom) and directed by James B. Clark (A Dog of Flanders, Misty, Flipper), Island of the Blue Dolphins is an inspirational experience for the family to enjoy together over and over again.
Brand New 2K Master
Theatrical Trailer
Optional English Subtitles
- James B. Clark - Director
- George Kennedy - Actor
- Celia Milius - Actor
- Julie Payne - Actor
- Carlos Romero - Actor
- Martin Garralaga - Actor
- Larry Domasin - Actor
- Anne Daniel - Actor
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