Psychopathia Sexualis (R-Rated) (DVD)
Also available as an Unrated Director's Cut
Described as "kinky material trapped in a cage of Victorian propriety" (The New York Times), Psychopathia Sexualis is a dreamlike depiction of turn-of-the-century sexual deviance, from the pages of Richard von Krafft-Ebing's notorious medical text. As he interweaves fables of sexual repression, vampirism, hypnosis, sado-masochism and lesbianism, writer/director Bret Wood (Hell's Highway: The True Story of Highway Safety Films) creates a haunted vision of an era when medical science endeavored to label, cure or eliminate anyone who refused to conform to its idea of sexual "normalcy."
R Rated
For strong sexual content including aberrant and deviant behavior, graphic nudity, some violence and disturbing images.
U.S. 2006 Color 96 Min. 1.85:1 (16x9) R-Rated
an Illustrated Films production
based upon PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS and TEXT-BOOK OF INSANITY by Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Jane Bass Bryan Davis Veronika Duerr Sandra L. Hughes Ted Manson Daniel May Rob Nixon Daniel Pettrow Lisa Paulsen Rachel Sorsa
director of photography David Bruckner
music Paul Mercer
sound design Bruce Bennett
editors Craig Tollis and Bret Wood
produced by Tracy Martin
written and directed by Bret Wood
- 30 minutes of deleted scenes
- Cast & crew interviews, with behind-the-scenes footage
- Theatrical trailers
- Judgement and Rapture, two short films by Bret Wood
- Historical data on Krafft-Ebing
- Screenplay excerpts
- Photo gallery
- 5.1 Stereo Surround
- Enhanced for 16x9 TVs
- Bret Wood - Director
"An impressively tense recreation of a notorious work." - NEW YORK MAGAZINE
"WOOD HAS A STRONG VISUAL STYLE... Like a talkie color version of something by Lang or Murnau." - Michael Wilmington, CHICAGO TRIBUNE
Director's Choice for Best Feature Film Boston Underground Film Festival
Official Selection Atlanta Film Festival
For press and publicity inquiries, please email [email protected]. A selection of press materials for this title may be available for download here.